Friday, September 11, 2015


Fifteen years ago I said "I do" to the most beautiful woman in the world. My most vivid memory from my wedding day was when the doors of the auditorium were opened and I saw Leslie standing there, about to walk forward and marry me. She chose me. I was overwhelmed...and I still am.

Ten years ago, on February 21, 2005, Leslie and I were in the living room of our first home. Leslie was scheduled to be induced the next morning to give birth to our first son. I remember sitting in my living room thinking of all that was about to change in our lives and feeling overwhelmed. The next day God graced us with a beautiful, healthy baby boy. That same process was repeated in 2008 and again in 2011. Holding all of my boys for the first time left me overwhelmed...and I still am.

Tomorrow morning, Sept. 12, 2015, my family will leave Houston, TX headed for China where a little girl is waiting for us. Tonight, I feel exactly the same way I felt the night before each of my biological children were born. I am...overwhelmed.

I thank God for my wife. She is the love of my life and a beautiful mother to my 3 boys. I thank God for my 3 boys- Luke, Noah and Adam. And I thank God that he chose Elliana to be a part of our family as well. I am overwhelmed by the goodness and the grace of God in our lives.

I already know when I see Elli in person for the first time my heart is going to explode. I love her so much my heart hurts. I am overwhelmed...again.

As we get ready for bed tonight I look back on our two year adoption journey. I look back at what God has done and it is nothing short of a miracle that we are leaving tomorrow. So many people have prayed for us. So many have given financially to make this adoption possible. This girl is already loved by so many.

To all of our friends and family: Thank you for loving our girl. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We can't wait for you to meet Elli. We pray her life will be overwhelmed by the goodness and mercy of God.


  1. Yes! So excited! We love your writing, but I'm gonna need more pictures and less words when you actually get Elli. ;) Love y'all!
